2025 USS Mullany Reunion
2025 Tin Can Sailors National Reunion
Norfolk, VA
September 21-25

View of the Norfolk skyline
(photos courtesy of the Norfolk CVB)
For the first time ever we are partnering with the Tin Can Sailors National Reunion to host us this year along with many other destroyer groups that will be attending. We will get our own meeting space to visit and conduct our annual business.
This will be our second time in Norfolk as a group! We were there in 2011.
Contacts will be Terry Baird RD3 67-69 and Jon Miller (Son of Lt. Robert E. Miller 43-45)
Mark your calendars and hold the dates!
Please use the following information to make your reservations and secure the correct rate for our stay:
The Sheraton Norfolk Waterside Hotel
777 Waterside Drive
Norfolk, VA 23510
Hotel Phone Number: 757-622-6664
You must mention when you register with the hotel that you are with the Tin Can Sailors to get the TCS rate of $159 plus tax.
This rate inlcudes breakfast for up to two people per room.
You can also go to the following Tin Can Sailors link for more information:
Tin Can Sailors 2025 National Reunion - Tin Can Sailors
You can sign up online or call Tin Can Sailors (508) 677-0515 for a registration packet which should be available in April 2025. NOTE: Just registering at the hotel does not register you to attend the reunion.
There will be optional tours schedule at additional costs. Attendees can pick and choose which tours they would like to attend.
Some possible options include:
Lunch/Dinner Cruise
Nautilus Center
USS Wisconsin
Victory Naval Station Tour
Douglas MacArthur Memorial
Chrysler Museum Glass Studio
Military Aviation Museum
Jamestown Settlement
Reunion Facilitator and contacts :
Terry Baird and Tin Can Sailors Organization
Contact information is on your crew list or email
webmaster@ussmullany.org |